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Scale your leadership as fast as your company

Individual Development (Founders and CXOs)

  • Focus on self-leadership and leadership of others.
  • Transition from individual contributor (IC) to leadership roles.
  • Hire and manage talent effectively.Foster the right organizational culture.
  • Enhance leadership capabilities and effectiveness.Act as a multiplier, empowering others.
  • Adapt and evolve working styles.
  • Strive to sustain high performance over the long term.

Team Development (Leadership Team)

  • Build team cohesion to maximize individual potential.
  • Establish a culture of feedback and coaching.
  • Foster psychological safety and trust within the team.
  • Create an environment conducive to collaboration and healthy debate.
  • Work towards breaking down silos, promoting a unified team approach.

Culture Development (Top 1-10% of People)

  • Encourage adaptation through self-awareness and reflection.
  • Align individual purposes with organizational goals.
  • Provide access to leadership tools and insights.
  • Promote a growth mindset.
  • Adapt culture to match growth stages.
  • Foster a culture of feedback and continuous improvement.

360 + Coaching for Founders and CXOs

Our flagship program that helps you become the leader that your start-up needs you to be in the next 6-12 months

High Performing Team Development

Trust building doesn’t take time, it takes courage. Reset your leadership team to high-trust and high-performance mode through our powerful team program

Leadership and Culture Development

Accelerate the middle to senior managers to become well-rounded leaders that effectively collaborate cross-functionally and live your culture

As a start-up founder or CXOs you need to scale as fast as your company

As a start-up founder or CXOs you need to scale as fast as your company. This requires you to reinvent yourself at least every 18 months or so. You don’t have the luxury of time to do this. 

Our specialized pool of 12 founder coaches – some of which are ex-founders themselves – know how to accelerate your development journey so you are ahead of your company’s growth trajectory. They have vast experience and understand the nuanced cultural dynamics of your specific geography. 

Over the last decade, our Institute has been the partner of choice for tech start-ups. We have coached more than 250 founders of Venture-Capital backed start-ups with an emphasis on South-East Asia and India, but inclusive of US, Europe and Middle East. Our clients include more than 25 unicorn companies. 

Whether you are bootstrapped, just raised your Series A or you’re getting ready to IPO, we have the extraordinary coaches, best practices and a personalized coaching approach to help you become the founder that your company needs you to be in the next 6-12 months. Our flagship program is the Leadership 360 + Coaching Program. This six-month coaching engagements starts with setting clear goals and defining success at the end of the engagement. We then gather 360 feedback through in-depth interviews with your investors, co-founders, direct reports and other important stakeholders. You will learn exactly how you are being perceived by the people that matter the most to you. This includes your beneficial and limiting patterns of behaviors, including blind spots. Based on these patterns, you will develop tangible leadership practices to consciously shift behaviors in identified growth areas. 

Besides progressing on your personalized growth areas, you will learn powerful competitive advantages including creating a high performing team, being a multiplier to others, motivating and inspiring others, time and energy management, building next levels of EQ, building the right culture, hiring and managing (smart) talent, regulating emotions effectively, building resilience, and creating the right conditions for your and your team’s best work to come out.  

The impact of our coaching is not just validated by our clients but also by the stakeholders around our clients. Through personalized surveys at the end of the engagement, we can quantify perception change on identified growth areas by stakeholders. Our NPS has been consistently outstanding. Many of our founder clients decide to extend the engagement or re-engage at a later stage. For a selection of our recent clients

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